¡Bienvenidos a Español 102!
Instructor: Katie DiDomenico
Days/Times: MTWF 10:00-10:50, 11:00-11:50 (Kauke 035)
E-mail: kdidomenico@wooster.edu
Office: Kauke 209
Office Hours: Mondays 2-4, open door, or with appointment
Course Description:
Spanish 102 takes a hands-on, student-oriented approach to the acquisition of the Spanish language. Students are responsible for a large part of their learning and should devote ample time to study and review outside of class. Class time is utilized for active practice, interaction with other students, and cultural studies. The course aims to develop competence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing the language while at the same time understanding its history, peoples, and cultures.
Student Learning Goals:
- effectively organize study time
- routinely review new vocabulary and grammar concepts
- communicate with classmates about familiar topics
- present information about oneself
- understand basic written texts and comment on them
- understand recordings of native speakers and complete accompanying tasks
- participate daily in class and have a positive presence
- contribute to cultural discussions
- develop an understanding and appreciation of cultural issues